Sadly Tynedale Archers is losing one of our founder members Lynne West. Lynne was there at the very start of our club when Tynedale archers was called Allen A Dale Archers and based in Catton back in 2005.
It's hard to think now but older members will know that Lynne never used to shoot, but in 2014 she took on the mantle of become a Archery GB Coach and past her exam in 2015 with flying colours. She has been the backbone of this club and kept the club going (even when we had just six members) by finding the funds/grants to keep us afloat. To put it plainly Lynne has put our club on map, she has worked tirelessly with schools and organisations not just to promote Tynedale Archers but to help us find the base in which we call our home.
She has been our main voice to our county headquarters Durham & Northumberland Archery Association and all the other clubs in our area and organised the clubs first ever Archery GB level 1 coaching course which Gordon Waugh and myself took part in and past thankfully.
All in All, Lynne is and always will be a big part of our club. Lynne is the cornerstone that the club was built on and I will miss her as will all the members past and present, so on behalf of all members I would like to wish Lynne, Stephen and Joanne all best in your new adventures in bonny Scotland and hope you find all the happiness in the world. x
John Hope
Chairman of Tynedale Archers