A busy (& very successful!) weekend for Tynedale Archers with multiple competitions all taking place over Saturday & Sunday and club members bringing home a total of 9 gold medals!
Saturday 20th July - Cleadon Junior Champions!
First up on was the Cleadon Archers Junior Championships where Esme & Flis were shooting Bristol rounds and both won the Barebow categories. Meanwhile Rob was across in Cumbria at the Cumbria Archery Association Jim Skivington Memorial shoot and won the double WA720 with 1120 including a Master Bowman score. Huge congratulations to all!
Sunday 21st July - Killingworth Open & DNAA County Championships
Following on from Saturday's success, Team Tynedale moved on to the maximum distance York & Hereford rounds at the Killingworth Archers Open which also provided this year's DNAA County Championships. It was a fine day with some interesting variable wind to spice things up; Andy & Rob were shooting the Senior Mens York (100/80/60yds), Peter was on the Masters Hereford (80/60/50yds) and Esme was shooting the Junior Bristol 4 (40/30/20yds). After 144 arrows; Esme carried off the Junior barebow title, Peter triumphed in the Barebow Masters and Rob retained his Barebow County Champion title with Andy coming in 4th on his first York round. Awesome work!